BL_DATAFILE= Data Set Option [Teradata only]

Identifies the file that contains control statements.
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing data using SAS/ACCESS software)
Default: creates a MultiLoad script file in the current directory or with a platform-specific name
Requirement: To specify this option, you must first set MULTILOAD=YES.
Data source: Teradata
See: BL_CONTROL= data set option, MULTILOAD= data set option



Syntax Description

specifies the name of the control file to generate for loading data with SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata using MultiLoad. On most platforms, the default filename takes the form BL_<table>_<unique-ID>.ctl:
specifies the table name.
specifies a number that is used to prevent collisions in the event of two or more simultaneous bulk loads of a particular table. The SAS/ACCESS engine generates the number.


The file contains MultiLoad Language definitions that specify the location of the data and how the data corresponds to the database table. It specifies exactly how MultiLoad should interpret the data that you are loading. Because the script file that SAS generates for MultiLoad must contain login information in clear text, you should secure the script file by specifying a protected directory path.

Example: Generate Teradata Script Files

This example generates a Teradata script file, C:\protdir\ml.ctl, on Windows.
DATA teralib.test(DBSLICEPARM=ALL BL_DATAFILE="C:\protdir\ml.ctl");
SET teralib.mydata;
This next example generates a Teradata script file, fe.ctl, for FastExport and ml.ctl for MultiLoad.
data teralib.test1(MULTILOAD=YES TPT=NO BL_DATAFILE="ml.ctl");
SET teralib.test2(DBSLICEPARM=ALL BL_CONTROL="fe.ctl");