To use this option,
you must first set TPT=YES.
SAS can restart from
checkpoints any Fastload, MultiLoad, and Multi-Statement insert that
is run using the TPT API. The restart procedure varies: It depends
on whether checkpoints were recorded and in which phase the step failed
during the load process. Teradata loads data in two phases: the acquisition
phase and the application phase. In the acquisition phase, data transfers
from SAS to Teradata. After this phase, SAS has no more data to transfer
to Teradata. If failure occurs after this phase, set TPT_APPL_PHASE=YES
in the restart step to indicate that restart is in the application
phase. (Multi-Statement insert does not have an application phase.
Therefore, it does not need to be restarted if it fails after the
acquisition phase.)
Use OBS=1 for the source
data set when restart occurs in the application phase. When SAS encounters
TPT_RESTART=YES and TPT_APPL_PHASE=YES, it initiates restart in the
application phase. No data from the source data set is actually sent.
If you use OBS=1 for the source data set, the SAS step completes
as soon as it reads the first record. (It actually throws away the
record because SAS already sent all data to Teradata for loading.)