BL_BADDATA_FILE= Data Set Option

Specifies where to put records that failed to process internally.
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS software)
Default: creates a data file in the current directory or with the default file specifications
Requirement: To specify this option, you must first set BULKEXTRACT= YES or BULKLOAD=YES.
Data source: HP Neoview
See: BL_DISCARDS= data set option, BULKEXTRACT= data set option, BULKLOAD= data set option



Syntax Description

name of the file that contains records that failed to process internally.


For bulk load, these are source records that failed internal processing before they were written to the database. For example, a record might contain only six fields, but eight fields were expected. Load records are in the same format as the source file.
For extraction, these are records that were retrieved from the database that could not be properly written into the target format. For example, a database value might be a string of ten characters, but a fixed-width format of only eight characters was specified for the target file.