A logger is a named entity
that identifies a message category. The logger includes a level and
one or more appenders. The appenders process the log events for the
message category. The name of the ARM message category is Perf.ARM.
The level indicates the threshold (or lowest event) that will be processed
for this message category.
Loggers are specified
in log events. This associates the log event with a message category.
By categorizing log events, messages of the same category are written
to the same location. You configure loggers in a logging configuration
file for SAS server logging. Or, you configure loggers by using SAS
language elements in a DATA step or macro program. The following defines
the Perf.ARM performance message logger in the configuration file:
<logger name="Perf.ARM" additivity="true">
<level value="info"/>
<appender-ref ref="ARM"/>
For an example of a configuration file,
SAS Logging Facility Configuration File.
You create loggers in
SAS programs using the following SAS language elements:
%LOG4SAS, which initializes the
autocall macro logging environment. For more information, see
Using Autocall Macros to Log Messages in SAS Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference.
Loggers that are created
using SAS language elements exist for the duration of the SAS session.
You define the ARM performance message logger using the following
SAS language elements:
%log4sas_logger(Perf.ARM, 'level=info');
For more
information about loggers, see
Logger in SAS Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference.