You will use the SAS Grid Server only
if your company has purchased the SAS Grid Manager software application.
This software enables you to build a compute grid that can execute
grid-enabled jobs that are created in SAS Data Integration Studio
or to execute SAS Enterprise Miner or grid-enabled programs.
Either SAS Data Integration
Studio or SAS Enterprise Miner submits a grid-enabled job to a workspace
server (through its object spawner) that is running on a grid-control
SAS/CONNECT and Platform LSF (or another middleware provider)
are also installed on this grid-control machine. Platform LSF starts
SAS/CONNECT servers on the appropriate grid nodes. Then
statements in the job cause portions of the job to be submitted to
the remote
SAS/CONNECT servers for execution.
The SAS Grid Server
enables Platform LSF to start
SAS/CONNECT servers on the grid node.
It provides Platform LSF with the command to start the servers, and
it provides the script that the command submits.