The stored process
server and the workspace servers can be configured to run SAS code
during start-up and shutdown of their server
Note: In SAS 9.3, the IOM servers
also support running SAS code at server start-up and shutdown (
server boundaries).
For more information, see
INITSTMT= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference and
TERMSTMT= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference.
For example, you might
start and stop an ARM transaction to accurately trace a user’s
activity on a workspace server. Or, you might initialize certain SAS
librefs for a particular user.
You configure this feature
for the server from the
Properties dialog
box (
Set Server Properties).
In another example,
you might want to configure your stored process server to run SAS
code to override or change the value of the default SAS options before
the execution of the requested stored process. This is a server-wide
setting that runs before each execution.
Suppose you want to
change the line size and page size. You can write a simple stored
process that sets line size to 150 and page size to 30:
options ls=150 pagesize=30;
and locate the stored
process containing your new line and page size options in a directory
where the stored process server can read it.
In the
program text box, enter the path and filename that contains
your SAS options code.
For example:
Now, the stored process
server runs your option override code before each requested stored