You can synchronize the calculated
members and named sets in metadata with the data that is stored in
the cube cache of a SAS OLAP Server by selecting
Refresh Cubes in SAS Management Console. Another method is to select
cubes in the SAS OLAP Server Monitor, right-click, and select
Cubes. You can also select
Refresh Cube in
SAS OLAP Cube Studio.
To refresh cubes, you
must be connected to the SAS OLAP Servers and have the Administer
Cubes does not add or delete aggregations, change display
names, or change the value of the SECURITY_SUBSET option (which enables
and disables member-level permissions). To make these changes, you
do not need to rebuild the cube, but you do need to close all active
sessions. Use
Quiesce before you use SAS OLAP Cube Studio
or PROC OLAP to make these changes.
For information about
updating all of the data in a cube, without rebuilding the cube, see
SAS OLAP Server: User's Guide.
Note that selecting
Refresh in
the Server Manager or SAS OLAP Server Monitor refreshes server connections
and the
Folders tab in SAS Management Console.
Refresh does
not synchronize calculated members or named sets.