Read-only Access for Reporting Libraries

If your site uses libraries for reporting, or for access exclusively by report generating applications such as SAS Information Map Studio and SAS Web Report Studio, then consider setting Read-Only access for the library. If the library is not set for Read-Only access, then even when reporting applications raise a query against the library, the underlying SAS session opens the data in read-write mode. In this case, simultaneous queries against the same library might be prevented. Simply put, if clients access the information in Read-Only mode, then set the library to read the data source in Read-Only mode.
Setting a Library for Read-Only Access
Library Type
Where to Set Read-only Access
All Database Data Libraries
Advanced Options dialog box, Input/Output tab, option Data access level for connection
Base SAS Library
Advanced Options dialog box, Options for any host tab
SAS Information Map Library
Always read-only, no configuration needed
SAS XML Library
Library properties page of the wizard, Library Access option
SAS Scalable PerformanceData Engine Library
Advanced Options dialog box, Options for any host tab
Advanced Options dialog box, Libname Options tab