For reference, this
topic documents the structure of the generated tables.
work.mdsecds_join (the Primary Table for Reporting; Combines objs, permsw, pconds)
The display name of
this user or group (for example, SAS Demo User ). If there is no display name, this column contains the same value
as the IdentityName column.
The name of this user
or group (for example, sasdemo ).
Person , IdentityGroup , or Role .
A container path for
this object (for example, \Shared Data\Sales). The path usually consists of folder names but can also include
names of other containers.
The date when this object
was created.
The internal metadata
type for this object.
The most recent date
that this object was updated.
The metadata ID for
this object (for example, A5HDAJSI.B900066J ).
The name of this object
(for example, Shoe Sales by Region) .
The uniform resource
identifier for this object (for example, omsobj:PhysicalTable/A5XT9KUX.B80000001 ).
The metadata ID for
this object's immediate parent.
A list of the permissions
to inspect for this object. If the list is blank, then all permissions
that are applicable to this type of object are inspected.
A separate column for
each permission. Each cell in these columns contains a value that
indicates whether this permission is effectively granted or denied
for this identity. The type of setting (explicit, ACT, or indirect)
is also indicated. For example, Granted by ACT or Denied Explicitly or Granted Indirectly .
The public metadata
type for this object.
work.mdsecds_objs (Contains Folder and Member Information)
Description information
for this object. For most objects, this information comes from the Description field on the General tab in the object's properties dialog box.
A container path for
this object. The path usually consists of folder names but can also
include names of other containers.
The date when this object
was created.
The internal metadata
type for this object.
The most recent date
that this object was updated.
The metadata ID for
this object.
The uniform resource
identifier for this object.
The metadata ID for
this object's immediate parent.
A list of the permissions
to inspect for this object. If the list is blank, then all permissions
that are applicable to this type of object are inspected.
The public metadata
type for this object.
work.mdsecds _pconds (Contains Permission Condition Expressions)
The expression that
limits this grant.
The name of this user
or group.
Person , IdentityGroup , or Role .
The uniform resource
identifier for this object.
The name of this permission
(for example, Read ).
work.mdsecds_permsw (Contains Permissions Data Transformed
to Wide Format)
The display name of
this user or group (or the name if there is no display name).
The name of this user
or group.
Person , IdentityGroup , or Role .
The uniform resource
identifier for this object.
A separate column for
each permission. Each cell in these columns contains a value that
indicates whether this permission is effectively granted or denied
for this identity. The type of setting (explicit, ACT, or indirect)
is also indicated.
work.mdsecds _permsl (Contains Permissions Data in Original
Long Format)
A value that indicates
where this permission is granted or denied for this identity. The
type of setting (explicit, ACT, or indirect) is also indicated.
A value that indicates
whether this permission setting is conditional. The value is either
blank (no condition) or * (condition applies and is written to the pconds
The display name of
this user or group (or the name if there is no display name).
The name of this user
or group.
Person , IdentityGroup , or Role .
The uniform resource
identifier for this object.
The name of this permission.