Here is some information
about creating section filters:
Restrictions on filtering
You can create section filters
only for categories in a relational data source.
You cannot create section filters
for data items that are defined as hyperlinks in an information map.
You cannot use the characters
in filter names, prompt names, or default values.
Working with formatted and unformatted values
Some data items enable
you to apply the filter using formatted values instead of unformatted
values. If the
Filter on formatted values option
is available and you select it, then formatted values are loaded into
Available values box when you click
Values. In this case, any values that you type must also
be formatted. To load unformatted values into the
values box, deselect the
Filter on formatted
values option and click
Get Values again.
In this case, you must type unformatted values. Regardless of your
formatting choice, the query results are formatted.
Note: Depending on how the data
item is defined in the data source, the formatted values might be
the same as the unformatted values.
Using prompt names and prompt text
Usually, the prompt
name is the same as the filter name but not always. For example, the
user might not need to know the location of a source city, but, as
the filter creator, you need to distinguish between the two filters
in the
Section Filters dialog box. In this
case, you might name the two filters
Canadian Source
City and
US Source City but
give them both the same prompt name of
Source City.
Be as specific as possible
when entering the prompt text for users. For example, if you use the
equal to operator for the prompt, then users need to
know that their selections will be excluded from the report. A descriptive
prompt name also helps users enter the correct information.
The filter combination
expression is automatically updated as you select and deselect filters
in the
Section Filters dialog box. If your
changes result in a filter combination expression that is not valid,
you receive a warning.
For more information about how to create a valid expression,
see Combine Section Filters.
When you are creating
a section filter that uses the
Between values or
between values operator, keep in mind that filters are
evaluated based on the data type (character or numeric) of the selected
data item and the locale that is currently active for the browser.
For example, as a character string, the number
23 is
considered higher than
1345 in
the U.S. English locale. By default, filters are joined by the
AND operator,
which means that results are returned only if all selected filters
are true.
When you can query for values
The data source administrator
determines whether you can query data items in the data source for
available filter values and whether you can create a filter that allows
users to dynamically generate values.
Previewing filter results
To preview filtered
results, select
Section Data to open the
Data dialog box. All columns and up to 100 rows are displayed
at one time.
more information, see Preview or Export Query Results.