LISTTASK Statement

Lists all active connections or tasks and identifies the execution status of each connection or task.
Valid in: client session


LISTTASK <_ALL_|task> ;

Syntax Description

provides status information about all current tasks.
provides status information for the specified task. Identifies the specific task by a name that corresponds to the server-ID that is associated with the CONNECTREMOTE= option in the RSUBMIT or SIGNON statement or command.


The LISTTASK statement lists information about all tasks in the current server session or about a single active task by name. If neither _ALL_ nor task is specified, information about all current tasks is listed.


Example 1: Example 1: LISTTASK

The following LISTTASK statement lists information for all tasks. The appearance of the output varies by operating environment.
listtask _all_;
"REMHOST" - - - - - - - - - 
          Type: SAS/CONNECT Process
"TASK1" - - - - - - - - - -
          Type: SAS/CONNECT Process
          State: COMPLETE

Example 2: Example 2: LISTTASK

The following LISTTASK statement lists information for the REMHOST task only. The appearance of the output varies by operating environment.
listtask remhost;
"REMHOST" - - - - - - - - - -
          Type: SAS/CONNECT Process
          State: COMPLETE