To merge the spooled log and output from the asynchronous
remote submit operation with the client's Log and Output windows for
viewing, open the SAS Program Editor window and select
Remote Get from the menu bar.
Here are explanations
of the fields:
specifies the server
session whose spooled log and output lines are to be merged into the
client's Log and Output windows. If only one session is active, this
field can be empty. If multiple server sessions are active, omitting
the remote session name causes RGET to execute for the session that
is specified in the CONNECTREMOTE= option.
Note: Remote Get applies only to asynchronous remote submit operations. If you execute
Remote Get while the asynchronous remote submit operation is
in progress, the operation is automatically converted to synchronous
processing so that all of the lines from the server session can be
Note: To view the spooled Log and
Output lines that are created by the asynchronous remote submit operation
(does not merge with the client's Log and Output windows), select
Remote Display.