/* SAS system option SASCMD starts an MP CONNECT server session. */ option autosignon=yes; option sascmd="!sascmd"; /* Remote submit first task. */ /* Sort the first data set as one task. */ /* SIGNON performed automatically by RSUBMIT. */ rsubmit process=task1 wait=no; libname mydata '/project/test1'; proc sort data=mydata.part1; by x; run; endrsubmit; /* Remote submit second task. */ /* SIGNON performed automatically by RSUBMIT. */ rsubmit process=task2 wait=no; libname mydata '/project/test2'; /* Sort the second data set as one task. */ proc sort data=mydata.part2; by x; run; endrsubmit; /* Wait for both tasks to complete. */ waitfor _all_ task1 task2; /* Merge the results and continue processing. */ libname mydata ('/project/test1' '/project/test2'); data work.sorted; merge mydata.part1 mydata.part2; run;