The DQLOCALE= system
option identifies the locales that are referenced during data cleansing.
The order of the locales in the list affects the locale matching scheme
of the DQMATCH procedure.
Unlike other system
options, the value of the DQLOCALE= system option must be loaded into
memory. Normally, system option values go into the system options
table only. Because the locales that are specified with this option
must also be loaded into memory, always set the value of this system
option by invoking the AUTOCALL macro
%DQLOAD. This macro takes as its arguments the values for the DQLOCALE=
and DQSETUPLOC= system options.
It is recommended
that you invoke the AUTOCALL macro %DQLOAD at the beginning of each
data cleansing program or session. Failure to do so might generate
unintended output.
SAS specifies no default
value for the DQLOCALE= system option. It is recommended that you
not use an AUTOEXEC to load default locales when
you invoke SAS. Loading default locales can enable you to apply the
wrong locales to your data, which generates unintended output. Loading
default locales also wastes resources when you are not cleansing data.
Instead of loading default locales, invoke the %DQLOAD macro at the
beginning of each data cleansing program or session.
See %DQLOAD AUTOCALL Macro for additional