Recommended Reading

Here is the recommended reading list for this title:
  • The online Help for SAS products describing SAS 9.3 Data Quality Server language reference elements.
  • Documentation specific to DataFlux, available through MyDataFlux Portal at the DataFlux Web site:
    • DataFlux Migration Guide, Version 2.1 and later. Describes how to migrate your content from DataFlux dfPower Studio to DataFlux Data Management Platform.
    • DataFlux Expression Language Reference Guide, Version 2.1 and later.
    • DataFlux Data Management Studio User’s Guide, Version 2.1 and later.
    • DataFlux Data Management Server User’s Guide, Version 2.1 and later.
    • Depending on your role, you might want to review the Federation and Authentication server documents for users or administrators.
  • To learn about the data quality transformations in the SAS Data Integration Studio software, see that product's online Help for Create Match Codes and Apply Lookup Standardization. Also, you can access reference material related to Data Quality under the Data Quality folder in the Transformations tree of the SAS Data Integration Studio software.
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