SAS Enterprise Miner Model Package Registration


One of the ways SAS Enterprise Miner data mining models can be deployed is as a Model Package. A model package is a snapshot of a process flow from the perspective of the reporting node. Model Package files enable you to save results and settings for an entire process flow. Instructions for creating a Model Package are in the SAS Enterprise Miner 12.1 Reference Help. To access the SAS Enterprise Miner 12.1 Reference Help start the SAS Enterprise Miner client and select Helpthen selectContents
By default, model packages are stored within the SAS Enterprise Miner Reports subdirectory of your project directory. You can also set up a Model Repository and register you model packages there.
The Model Repository enables you to store and access models conveniently from numerous projects and diagrams in a centralized location. Models are exported from SAS Enterprise Miner to the Model Repository through the SAS Metadata Server. Models and their associated metadata are stored in the repository and can be searched and used by analysts and applications throughout your organization.
The model repository is implemented by a combination of the SAS Metadata Server and the SAS Content Server. The SAS Content Server is included in each Client Server deployment of SAS Enterprise Miner. SAS Enterprise Miner stores registered model package files in the SAS Content Server using the WebDAV ("Web-based distributed authoring and versioning") interface.

Set Up the SAS Content Server

To enable registration of SAS Enterprise Miner model packages, you must first access the SAS Content Server and create a public directory for SAS Enterprise Miner.
  1. Access the SAS Content Server Administration Console by navigating to http://hostname:port/SASContentServer/dircontents.jsp in a Web browser. The value of hostname:port depends on your network structure, but an example of hostname:port is localhost:8080. Log in using the SAS Administrator account (for example, sasadm) that you defined during the SAS installation process.
  2. In the Add folder field, enter a folder name, such as EM_Models.
  3. Click Add folder.
  4. The EM_Models folder is displayed in the Item name column.
  5. Click the Permissions icon that is associated with the EM_Models folder.
  6. In the Add principal field, enter the value jcr:all. Change all of the permissions to Yes.
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. Log off from the SAS Content Server Administration Console.

Configure the Workspace Server for Model Package Registration

Each SAS Enterprise Miner Workspace Server that will be used to register model packages needs to be given the URL for the location in the SAS Content Server where the package files will be stored. In the SAS Management Console, on the Plug-ins tab, expand Application Management. Expand the Enterprise Miner plug-in to reveal the subfolders.
  1. Expand the Projects folder.
  2. Right-click the SAS Workspace Server that is associated with your SAS Enterprise Miner installation and select Properties. For example, you might see SASApp — Logical Workspace Server.
  3. Open the Options tab.
  4. In the WebDAV URL field, enter http://hostname:port/SASContentServer/repository/default/EM_Models/. Note that hostname must be a fully qualified machine name.
  5. Click OK.

Verify the Model Package Registration

Detailed instructions for the creation and registration of a model package are available in the SAS Enterprise Miner Help. The following steps provide an outline of model package registration process, not an example of that process.
  1. Launch SAS Enterprise Miner.
  2. Open a project on the workspace server that was configured for registration.
  3. Open a process flow diagram.
  4. Run any process flow within that diagram.
  5. Create a model package.
  6. Register the model package that you just created.
To check the metadata for the registered model, select Client Viewthen selectMetadata and then navigate to the folder that contains the model package. You might need to specify that value in the Look in field. Registered model packages have a type of MiningResults.
To ensure that the model package file was successfully deployed to in the SAS Content Server, navigate to the WebDAV URL for the Workspace Server that was used to register the model package. The registered model package should present.
Note that a model package, which has a .SPK extension, is a compressed file. Whenever you send a compressed file to SAS Technical Support, please make sure the filename begins with the letters ZQJ (for example, to avoid it being stripped by our e-mail filters. The model package contains the settings, logs, and results from the flow.

Deleting Registered Model Packages

The metadata entries for registered model packages can be deleted using the SAS Enterprise Miner Client’s View Metadata utility. Access it from the SAS Enterprise Miner Client’s main menu. Select Viewthen selectMetadata. Navigate to the MiningResults that you want to delete, if you plan to delete the model package file from the SAS Content Server it is recommended you note the file path in the properties of your target. To display the properties right-click your target and select Open. To delete the entry, right-click your target and select Delete.
The associated model package files in the SAS Content Server can be deleted with the SAS Content Server Administration Console. For details see the SAS(R) 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide section titled Using the SAS Content Server Administration Console.