Step 4: Create an Information Map Using the INFOMAPS Procedure

Once the tables are registered in the metadata server, you can create a new information map. The INFOMAPS procedure inserts multiple data sources and data items, inserts relationships to join the tables, inserts four filters, and then saves the new information map.
The following code creates the new information map:
/* Create a new information map using the INFOMAPS procedure. */
proc infomaps mappath="&infomap_path";
/* Open a new information map. */
new infomap "Employee Info"

/* Insert a data source and three data items using the COLUMNS= option. */
insert datasource sasserver="SASApp"
       table="SAS Sample Data".empinfo
       columns=("JobCode" "LOCATION" "DIVISION")

/* Insert a data item based on a physical column. Because the ID= option */
/* is not specified, a note with its ID value will print in the SAS log. */
insert dataitem column="Empinfo".idnum classification=category;

/* Insert a data item with an expression. */
insert dataitem expression="SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3)"
       name="Department Code"

/* Insert a second data source, plus a data item into the */
/* current information map.                               */
insert datasource sasserver="SASApp"
       table="SAS Sample Data".jobcodes
       columns=( "TITLE" )

/* Change the data item to a measure so that you can use it in computations */
/* and analytical expressions. Set the default aggregation to Count.        */
update dataitem "Title" aggregation=COUNT classification=MEASURE;

/* Insert a third data source into the current information map. */
insert datasource sasserver="SASApp"
       table="SAS Sample Data".salary

/* Add joins between the tables. */
insert relationship

insert relationship

/* Insert a folder and additional business items. */
insert folder "Salary Info";

insert dataitem column="Salary".salary
       name="Annual Salary" folder="Salary Info";

/* Insert a data item that contains an expression */
insert dataitem expression="<<Salary.SALARY>>/12" type=numeric
       name="Monthly Salary" folder="Salary Info";

insert dataitem column="Salary".enddate folder="Salary Info";

/* Insert filters. */
insert filter "Status is Current"
       condition="<<root.Enddate>> IS NULL" folder="Salary Info";

insert filter "Education and Publications"
       condition='SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3) IN ("EDU","PUB")'
       desc="Employees in Education and Publications";

insert filter "Host Systems Development"
       condition='<<root.Division>>="HOST SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT" '
       desc="Employees in Host Systems Development";

insert filter "Cary HQ"
       condition='<<root.Location>>="Cary" '
       desc="Located in Cary, North Carolina HQ";

/* List the key properties of business data in the current information map. */

/* Save the information map. */

/* End the INFOMAPS procedure. */
Note: If you run the INFOMAPS procedure code more than once, your output will be different from what is shown.
Log for the INFOMAPS Procedure
27   /* Create a new information map using the INFOMAPS procedure. */
28   proc infomaps mappath="&infomap_path";
29   /* Open a new information map. */
30   new infomap "Employee Info"
31       auto_replace=yes;
33   /* Insert a data source and three data items using the COLUMNS= option. */
34   insert datasource sasserver="SASApp"
35          table="SAS Sample Data".empinfo
36          columns=("JobCode" "LOCATION" "DIVISION")
37          id="Empinfo";
NOTE: A data item was inserted for the physical column "EMPINFO.JOBCODE". Its
      ID is "Jobcode".
NOTE: A data item was inserted for the physical column "EMPINFO.LOCATION". Its
      ID is "Location".
NOTE: A data item was inserted for the physical column "EMPINFO.DIVISION". Its
      ID is "Division".

39   /* Insert a data item based on a physical column. Because the ID= option */
40   /* is not specified, a note with its ID value will print in the SAS log. */
41   insert dataitem column="Empinfo".idnum classification=category;
NOTE: A data item was inserted for the physical column Empinfo.IDNUM. The data
      item's ID is "Identification Number".

43   /* Insert a data item with an expression. */
44   insert dataitem expression="SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3)"
45          type=character
46          name="Department Code"
47          id="Dept_code";
49   /* Insert a second data source, plus a data item into the */
50   /* current information map.                               */
51   insert datasource sasserver="SASApp"
52          table="SAS Sample Data".jobcodes
53          columns=( "TITLE" )
54          id="Jobcodes";
NOTE: A data item was inserted for the physical column "JOBCODES.TITLE". Its ID is

56   /* Change the data item to a measure so that you can use it in computations */
57   /* and analytical expressions. Set the default aggregation to Count.        */
58   update dataitem "Title" aggregation=COUNT classification=MEASURE;
60   /* Insert a third data source into the current information map. */
61   insert datasource sasserver="SASApp"
62          table="SAS Sample Data".salary
63          id="Salary";
65   /* Add joins between the tables. */
66   insert relationship
67          left_table="Empinfo"
68          right_table="Jobcodes"
69          join=inner
70          condition="(<<Empinfo.JOBCODE>>=<<Jobcodes.JOBCODE>>)";
NOTE: A relationship between the data sources "Empinfo" and "Jobcodes" has been
      inserted. The relationship's ID is "JOIN_10".

72   insert relationship
73          left_table="Empinfo"
74          right_table="Salary"
75          join=inner
76          condition="(<<Empinfo.IDNUM>>=<<Salary.IDNUM>>)";
NOTE: A relationship between the data sources "Empinfo" and "Salary" has been
      inserted. The relationship's ID is "JOIN_11".

78   /* Insert a folder and additional business items. */
79   insert folder "Salary Info";
81   insert dataitem column="Salary".salary
82          name="Annual Salary" folder="Salary Info";
84   /* Insert a data item that contains an expression */
85   insert dataitem expression="<<Salary.SALARY>>/12" type=numeric
86          name="Monthly Salary" folder="Salary Info";
88   insert dataitem column="Salary".enddate folder="Salary Info";
NOTE: A data item was inserted for the physical column Salary.ENDDATE. The data item's
      ID is "Enddate".

90   /* Insert filters. */
91   insert filter "Status is Current"
92          condition="<<root.Enddate>> IS NULL" folder="Salary Info";
94   insert filter "Education and Publications"
95          condition='SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3) IN ("EDU","PUB")'
96          desc="Employees in Education and Publications";
98   insert filter "Host Systems Development"
99          condition='<<root.Division>>="HOST SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT" '
100         desc="Employees in Host Systems Development";
102  insert filter "Cary HQ"
103         condition='<<root.Location>>="Cary" '
104         desc="Located in Cary, North Carolina HQ";
106  /* List the key properties of business data in the current information map. */
107  list;

Total datasources: 3

    Data source: SAS Sample Data.EMPINFO
    ID: Empinfo
    Name: EMPINFO
    Required data source: NO

    Data source: SAS Sample Data.JOBCODES
    ID: Jobcodes
    Name: JOBCODES
    Required data source: NO

    Data source: SAS Sample Data.SALARY
    ID: Salary
    Name: SALARY
    Required data source: NO

Total data items: 9

    Data item name: Annual Salary
    ID: Annual Salary
    Folder: /Salary Info
    Description: Physical column SALARY
    Expression: <<Salary.Salary>>
    Expression type: NUMERIC
    Classification: MEASURE
    Format: DOLLAR12.
    Default aggregation: Sum

    Data item name: Department Code
    ID: Dept_code
    Folder: /
    Expression: SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3)
    Expression type: CHARACTER
    Classification: CATEGORY

    Data item name: Division
    ID: Division
    Folder: /
    Description: Physical column DIVISION
    Expression: <<Empinfo.DIVISION>>
    Expression type: CHARACTER
    Classification: CATEGORY

    Data item name: Enddate
    ID: Enddate
    Folder: /Salary Info
    Description: Physical column ENDDATE
    Expression: <<Salary.ENDDATE>>
    Expression type: DATE
    Classification: CATEGORY
    Format: DATE9.

    Data item name: Identification Number
    ID: Identification Number
    Folder: /
    Description: Physical column IDNUM
    Expression: <<Empinfo.Identification Number>>
    Expression type: NUMERIC
    Classification: CATEGORY
    Format: SSN11.

    Data item name: Jobcode
    ID: Jobcode
    Folder: /
    Description: Physical column JOBCODE
    Expression: <<Empinfo.JOBCODE>>
    Expression type: CHARACTER
    Classification: CATEGORY

    Data item name: Location
    ID: Location
    Folder: /
    Description: Physical column LOCATION
    Expression: <<Empinfo.LOCATION>>
    Expression type: CHARACTER
    Classification: CATEGORY

    Data item name: Monthly Salary
    ID: Monthly Salary
    Folder: /Salary Info
    Expression: <<Salary.Salary>>/12
    Expression type: NUMERIC
    Classification: CATEGORY
    Format: DOLLAR12.

    Data item name: Title
    ID: Title
    Folder: /
    Description: Physical column TITLE
    Expression: <<Jobcodes.TITLE>>
    Expression type: CHARACTER
    Classification: MEASURE
    Format: BEST12.
    Default aggregation: Count

Total filters: 4

    Filter name: Cary HQ
    ID: Cary HQ
    Folder: /
    Description: Located in Cary, North Carolina HQ
    Expression: <<root.Location>>="Cary"

    Filter name: Education and Publications
    ID: Education and Publications
    Folder: /
    Description: Employees in Education and Publications
    Expression: SUBSTRN(<<root.Jobcode>>, 1, 3) IN ("EDU","PUB")

    Filter name: Host Systems Development
    ID: Host Systems Development
    Folder: /
    Description: Employees in Host Systems Development
    Expression: <<root.Division>>="HOST SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT"

    Filter name: Status is Current
    ID: Status is Current
    Folder: /Salary Info
    Expression: <<root.Enddate>> IS NULL

Total relationships: 2

    Relationship ID: JOIN_10
    Left data source: SAS Sample Data.EMPINFO
    Right data source: SAS Sample Data.JOBCODES
    Cardinality: UNKNOWN
    Join type: INNER
    Join expression: (<<Empinfo.JOBCODE>>=<<Jobcodes.JOBCODE>>)

    Relationship ID: JOIN_11
    Left data source: SAS Sample Data.EMPINFO
    Right data source: SAS Sample Data.SALARY
    Cardinality: UNKNOWN
    Join type: INNER
    Join expression: (<<Empinfo.Identification Number>>=<<Salary.Identification Number>>)

109  /* Save the information map. */
110  save;
NOTE: The information map "Employee Info" has been saved in the folder
      "/Shared Data/Infomap Example".
112  /* End the INFOMAPS procedure. */
113  quit;

NOTE: PROCEDURE INFOMAPS used (Total process time):
      real time           10.13 seconds
      cpu time            0.04 seconds