<TABLE-PATH syntax="XPath"> /rss/channel/item </TABLE-PATH>
If an XML namespace is defined with the NAMESPACES element,
you must specify the type of syntax as XPathENR (XPath with Embedded
Namespace Reference). This is because the syntax is different from
the XPath specification. For example, syntax="XPathENR"
If an XML namespace is defined with the NAMESPACES element,
you must include the identification number in the location path preceding
the element that is being defined. The identification number is enclosed
in braces. For example, <TABLE-PATH syntax="XPathENR">/Table/{1}Hurricane</TABLE-PATH>
The XPath construction is a formal specification that puts a path description similar to UNIX on each element of the XML structure. Note that XPath syntax is case sensitive. For example, if an element tag name is uppercase, it must be uppercase in the location path. If it is lowercase, it must be lowercase. All location paths must begin with the root-enclosing element (denoted by a slash '/') or with the "any parent" variant (denoted by double slashes '//'). Other W3C documented forms are not currently supported.
syntax="XPath"> /rss/channel </TABLE-PATH>
the XML engine would process the entire XML document, even though
it does not store new data in the input buffer after it encounters
the first <ITEM> start tag because the remaining elements no
longer qualify. The TABLE-END-PATH location path <TABLE-END-PATH
syntax="XPath" beginend="BEGIN"> /rss/channel/item </TABLE-END-PATH>
the XML engine to stop processing when the <ITEM> start tag
is encountered.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<rss version="0.91">
<description>News for web users that write back
<copyright>Copyright 2000, WriteTheWeb team.
<description>News for web users that write back
<title>Giving the world a pluggable Gnutella</title>
<description>WorldOS is a framework on which to build programs
that work like Freenet or Gnutella-allowing distributed
applications using peer-to-peer routing.</description>
If an XML namespace is defined with the NAMESPACES element,
you must specify the type of syntax as XPathENR (XPath with Embedded
Namespace Reference). This is because the syntax is different from
the XPath specification. For example, syntax="XPathENR"
<TABLE-END-PATH syntax="XPathENR">/Table/{1}Hurricane</TABLE-END-PATH>
The XPath construction is a formal specification that puts a path description similar to UNIX on each element of the XML structure. Note that XPath syntax is case sensitive. For example, if an element tag name is uppercase, it must be uppercase in the location path. If it is lowercase, it must be lowercase. All location paths must begin with the root-enclosing element (denoted by a slash '/') or with the "any parent" variant (denoted by double slashes '//'). Other W3C documented forms are not currently supported.