After the filtering phase of KFS produces the one-step-ahead predictions of the response variables and the underlying state
vectors, the smoothing phase of KFS produces the full-sample versions of these quantities—that is, rather than using the history
up to , the entire sample
is used. The smoothing phase of KFS is a backward algorithm, which begins at
and goes back toward
. It produces the following quantities:
Table 27.8: KFS: Smoothing Phase
Quantity |
Description |
Interpolated response value |
Variance of the interpolated response value |
Full-sample estimate of the state vector |
Covariance of |
Full-sample estimates of |
Covariance of |
Note that if is not missing, then
is completely known, given
. Therefore,
provides nontrivial information only when
is missing—in which case
represents the best estimate of
based on the available data. The full-sample estimates of components that are specified in the model equations are based
on the corresponding linear combinations of
. Similarly, their standard errors are computed by using appropriate functions of
If the filtering process remains uninitialized until the end of the sample (that is, if is not invertible), some linear combinations of
, and
are not estimable. This, in turn, implies that some linear combinations of
are also inestimable. These inestimable quantities are reported as missing. For more information about the estimability of
the state effects, see Selukar (2010).