SAS Enterprise Guide has the following features:
integration with the SAS9 platform:
open metadata repository (OMR) integration
SAS report integration
create report interface
ODS support
Web report studio integration
access to information maps
ETL studio impact analysis
ESRI integration within the OLAP analyzer
data mining scoring task
the user interface and workflow
process flow
ability to create stored processes from process flows
SAS folders window
project parameters
query builder interface
code node
OLAP analyzer
ESRI integration
tree-diagram-based OLAP explorer
SAS report snapshots
SAS Web OLAP viewer for .NET ability to create EG projects
workspace maximization
With Enterprise Guide, you can perform time series analysis with the following EG procedures:
prepare time series data—the Prepare Time Series Data task can be used to make data more suitable for analysis by other time series tasks.
create time series data—the Create Time Series Data wizard helps you convert transactional data into fixed-interval time series. Transactional data are time-stamped data collected over time with irregular or varied frequency.
ARIMA Modeling and Forecasting task
Basic Forecasting task
Regression Analysis with Autoregressive Errors
Regression Analysis of Panel Data