CAUCHY( <location, scale> )
specifies the Cauchy distribution. This option is supported only for simulation. The arguments correspond to the arguments
of the SAS CDF function that computes the cumulative distribution function (ignoring the random variable argument).
CHISQUARED ( df <, nc> )
specifies the
distribution. This option is supported only for simulation. The arguments correspond to the arguments of the SAS CDF function
(ignoring the random variable argument).
GENERAL(Likelihood <, parm1, parm2,
parmn > )
specifies the negative of a general log-likelihood function that you construct by using SAS programming statements. The procedure
minimizes the negative log-likelihood function specified.
are optional parameters for this distribution and are used for documentation purposes only.
F( ndf, ddf <, nc> )
specifies the
distribution. This option is supported only for simulation. The arguments correspond to the arguments of the SAS CDF function
(ignoring the random variable argument).
specifies a multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean 0 and variances
POISSON( mean )
specifies the Poisson distribution. This option is supported only for simulation. The arguments correspond to the arguments
of the SAS CDF function (ignoring the random variable argument).
, df )
specifies a multivariate t distribution with noncentrality 0, variance
, and common degrees of freedom
UNIFORM( <left, right> )
specifies the uniform distribution. This option is supported only for simulation. The arguments correspond to the arguments
of the SAS CDF function (ignoring the random variable argument).