Window Reference

Controls and Fields

Project Name

is the name of the SAS catalog entry in which forecasting models and other results will be stored and from which previously stored results are loaded into the forecasting system. You can specify the project by typing a SAS catalog entry name in this field or by selecting the Browse button to the right of this field. If you specify the name of an existing catalog entry, the information in the project file is loaded. If you specify a one-level name, it is assumed to be the name of a project in the "fmsproj" catalog in the "sasuser" library. For example, typing samproj is equivalent to typing sasuser.fmsproj.samproj.

project Browse button

opens the Forecasting Project File Selection window to enable you to select and load the project from a list of previously stored project files.


is a descriptive label for the forecasting project. The description you type in this field will be stored with the catalog entry shown in the Project field if you save the project.