Completes the currently open graph, or displays it, or both
Operating state: SGOP
Resulting operating state: WSAC


return-code-variable=GRAPH('UPDATE' <, 'show'>);

Required Argument

character string, optional; valid values are SHOW and NOSHOW. If SHOW is specified, the graph is displayed. If NOSHOW is specified, the graph is closed and not displayed.

Return Codes

This function returns:


The GRAPH('UPDATE', . . . ) function closes the graph currently open and displays it. DSGI operates in buffered mode, so the picture is never displayed until this function is called.
This function can be called only once for the currently open graph. Therefore, you cannot incrementally build a graph. However, you can close the currently open graph and later insert it into another graph within the same DATA step.
This function moves the operating state from SGOP to WSAC.