The SVG Devices and the Output That They Create

There are four SVG devices:
produces SVG 1.1 files. When used in the HTML destination, if your procedure produces multiple graphs, the SVG device produces separate SVG files for each graph. When used in the LISTING destination, the SVG device produces one SVG file, and the pages are in a continuous layout.
produces SVG 1.1 files that are transparent (no background). These files are useful when you want to overlay several graphs on top of each other and you want all of the graphs to be visible. The SVGT device is intended for use when a procedure produces multiple graphs and is best used in conjunction with the ODS PRINTER destination. See Creating Overlaid Transparent SVG Documents in SAS Language Reference: Concepts for more information.
produces compressed SVG 1.1 files, which are useful when file size is an issue. However, some browsers do not support compressed SVG files, and you cannot view these files in a text editor. (See also Browsers That Support SVG Files.)
produces SVG 1.1 files with navigational controls when the SVG file contains multiple pages. This device is primarily for use in the LISTING destination with procedures that produce multiple graphs. The navigational controls enable you to page through the graphs. See Example: Generating a Single SVG File with Multiple Pages and Page Controls. When used in the HTML destination, the SVGVIEW device produces separate SVG files for each graph, just like the SVG device.