Options Used in Both GOPTIONS and OPTIONS Statements

Several of the graphics options are also used as system options. These options include the following:
  • these printer options:
  • the DEVICE option
With the exception of the DEVICE= option, the effect of setting these options depends on whether they are set as graphics options or system options. For the printer options, when they are set as graphics options in a GOPTIONS statement, they affect the SAS/GRAPH devices. When they are set as system options in an OPTIONS statement, they affect the Universal Printers and the Universal Printer shortcut devices. (For information about the Universal Printers, Universal Printer shortcut devices, and the SAS/GRAPH devices, see Using Graphics Devices.) Setting a printer graphics option does not affect the corresponding system option, and vice versa. For example, here is a statement that sets the graphics option PAPERSIZE= to A4.
goptions papersize=A4;
This statement does not affect the PAPERSIZE= system option. As a result, it sets the paper size to A4 for the SAS/GRAPH printer devices only. If you want to set the paper size for the Universal Printer devices or the Universal Printer shortcut devices, you must set the PAPERSIZE= system option instead of the graphics option as shown in the following example.
options papersize=A4;
For information about the GOPTIONS statement, see GOPTIONS Statement. For information about the OPTIONS statement, see SAS Statements: Reference.
In contrast to the printer options listed previously, setting the DEVICE= option as a graphics option has the same effect as setting it as a system option. That is, setting DEVICE= as either a graphics option or a system option sets the SAS/GRAPH output device driver. As a result, the following two statements have the same effect:
options device=pdf;
goptions device=pdf;
Note: Only one of the two statements is needed to set the device. You can use either one.