to Investor Responsibility Research Center’s (IRRC) definition,
there is an interlock when two CEOs sit on the boards of each other’s
companies. Interlocks are often viewed with a degree of suspicion;
therefore, it's important to identify interlocks in the network. The
subnetwork of interlocks is shown in the following figure. Here you
can see there are two interlocks:
Sanford Weill, the CEO of Citigroup,
sits on the boards of AT&T and United Technologies.
Michael Armstrong and George David,
the CEOs of AT&T and United Technologies, respectively, sit on
the board of Citigroup.
A quadrilateral
consisting of two CEOs and two corporations represents an interlock.
The interlocks can be detected by finding the quadrilaterals in this
much sparser subnetwork.
You can
use a statistical graph and the local selection feature to filter
the data in the network graph.
The following
figure shows the result of using a bar chart with local selection
mode to parse the visualized data. In this graph, links are visible
only for CEOs who sit on two or more boards.
CEOs Who Sit on Two or More Boards
The following
steps describe how to create this graph in the BoardOfDirectors.nvw
any statistical graphs that you have open. Keep the single network
graph open.
the node data table to activate it.
a bar chart using the
Bar Chart menu option. Select
CATEGORY as the category variable. Leave the default
values in the other fields.
In the
bar chart, select the bar for
Selection Mode
Local. An icon is displayed
in the upper left corner of each graph. The icon for the network graph

) indicates that the graph has an observer-union role.
the network plot. Then click the arrow in the icon and select the
observer-intersection icon (

). The graph now has an observer-intersection role.
all observations in the node data table.
You can click
the table and then press CTRL-A to select all observations.
In the
bar chart, press CTRL and select the bar for
Bar Chart with CEO and OTHER Selected
the link data table to activate it. Then, create a histogram using
Histogram menu option. Select
NUMBER_OF_BOARDS as the X variable. Leave the default
<Frequency> for the Y variable.
In the
histogram, select the bars for the numbers greater than or equal to
Histogram with Number of Boards Greater than Two
Interactive Zoom. Then click the network graph to zoom in on the graph.
Pan. Then click and drag the network graph so you can focus on the portion
that contains the quadrilateral.
If you
want to see the names of the CEOs and corporations, select
Label, and then click the blue nodes in the network graph.
In summary,
this example shows how to use
SAS/GRAPH Network Visualization Workshop
to identify relationships between directors and the boards on which
they sit. You first identified individuals who sit on four or more
different boards. Then you identified CEOs who sit on the boards of
each other’s companies.