- aggregate storage location
a location in an operating system that can contain
a group of distinct files. The exact name for this location varies
by operating system; for example, directory, folder, or partitioned
data set.
- allocation
the operating system's association between a logical
name (DDname) and an operating system data set.
- ASCII collating sequence
the rules that are used by a specific ASCII encoding
for sorting textual data. Sort order is determined by the location
of each code point in the code page of an ASCII encoding. In the Windows
Latin1 code page, the sort order of precedence is punctuation characters,
numbers, uppercase characters, and lowercase characters. Because the
uppercase A (code point 41) precedes the lowercase g (code point 67),
A is sorted before g.
- batch job
a unit of work that is submitted to an operating
system for batch processing. For example, under UNIX, a batch job
is a background process; under Windows, a batch job is a task; and
under z/OS, a batch job is a set of JCL statements.
- batch mode
a noninteractive method of running SAS programs
by which a file (containing SAS statements along with any necessary
operating system commands) is submitted to the batch queue of the
operating environment for execution.
- block size
the number of bytes in a block.
- blocking factor
the number of logical records that fit in one
- cataloged procedure
See SAS cataloged procedure.
- character set
a collection of characters that are used by a
language or group of languages. A character set includes national
characters, special characters, the digits 0-9, and control characters.
an abbreviation for command list. A CLIST consists
of a planned, executable sequence of TSO commands, subcommands, and
command procedure statements that control various system and program
See direct access storage device.
- data control block
on IBM mainframe operating systems such as z/OS,
a storage area that contains information about the physical characteristics
of an operating system data set. Short form: DCB.
- data set
See SAS data set.
- data set label
in a SAS data set, a user-defined attribute of
up to 200 characters that is used for documenting the SAS data set.
See data control block.
- DD statement
a data definition statement that describes an
operating system data set to the operating system, including information
about the resources that are needed for the data set. The manner in
which a program can use a data set depends on the parameters in the
DD statement.
- ddname
a short name that is assigned to the physical
location of a z/OS file when the file is allocated by a JCL DD statement
or a TSO ALLOCATE command.
- direct access bound library
a random (as opposed to sequential) SAS library
that is stored as a regular z/OS operating system data set. The term
bound emphasizes the fact that the library is a single physical file
that contains all of the members of that library. This characteristic
distinguishes direct access bound libraries from HFS libraries and
hiperspace libraries.
- direct access storage device
a drum or disk storage device that allows direct
access to data. Short form: DASD.
See Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
- EBCDIC collating sequence
the rules that are used by a specific EBCDIC encoding
for sorting textual data. Sort order is determined by the location
of each code point in the code page of an EBCDIC encoding. For example,
in the German EBCDIC code page, the sort order of precedence is punctuation
characters, numbers, uppercase characters, and lowercase characters.
Because the German uppercase letter (code point 4A) precedes lowercase
g (code point 87),is sorted before g.
- engine/host option
an option that is specified in a LIBNAME statement.
Engine/host options specify attributes that apply to all SAS data
sets in a SAS library.
- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
a family of single-byte and multi-byte encodings
for the representation of data on IBM mainframe and mid-range computers.
EBCDIC encodes the uppercase and lowercase letters of the English
alphabet, punctuation marks, the digits 0-9, and an extended set of
control characters. Short form: EBCDIC
- external file
a file that is created and maintained by a host
operating system or by another vendor's software application. An external
file can read both data and stored SAS statements.
- fatal error
an error that causes a program to end abnormally
or that prevents the program from starting.
- format library
a collection of user-defined formats and informats.
The format library can be a FORMATS catalog in a SAS library, or on
z/OS it can also be a load library that contains SAS formats and informats
in load module form.
- HFS library
a directory in the hierarchical file system of
UNIX System Services. Members of an HFS library are individual files
in the HFS directory. This characteristic distinguishes HFS libraries
from direct access bound libraries.
- hiperspace
a range of contiguous virtual storage addresses
that is not normally addressable by applications but which an executing
z/OS program can use as a buffer.
- hiperspace library
a group of files that are loaded into a z/OS hiperspace.
The fact that a hiperspace library consists of a group of files distinguishes
hiperspace libraries from the single-file format of direct access
bound libraries.
- host
See host operating environment.
- host operating environment
the operating environment (computer, operating
system, and other software and hardware) that is identified by an
IP address or by a domain name and that provides centralized control
for software applications.
- host option
in a SAS statement, an option that is specific
to a particular operating environment.
- I/O time
an abbreviation for input/output time. I/O time
is the time the computer spends on moving data from storage areas,
such as disk or tape, into memory for work (input time) and moving
the result out of memory to storage or to a display device, such as
a terminal or a printer (output time).
an interactive interface that can be used to facilitate
many programming tasks. The complete name is the Interactive System
Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF).
See Job Control Language.
- Job Control Language
a language that is used in the z/OS and OS/390
operating environments to communicate information about a job to the
operating system, including information about the data sets, execution
time, and amount of memory that the job needs. Short form: JCL.
- job stream
a series of related programs that are run in a
prescribed order.
- library reference
See libref.
- libref
a SAS name that is associated with the location
of a SAS library. For example, in the name MYLIB.MYFILE, MYLIB is
the libref, and MYFILE is a file in the SAS library.
- load library
an external file that contains load modules. These
can be modules that are supplied by SAS, or they could be compiled
and linked by other sources.
- load module
a complete machine-level program in a form that
is ready to be loaded into main memory and executed.
- logical name
a reference to a SAS library or an operating environment
resource whose representation varies according to the operating environment.
Examples are the SAS library named Work and an output device such
as a disk or a tape file.
- member
an element in a partitioned data set.
- member name
a name that is assigned to a SAS file in a SAS
- memory
the size of the work area that the central processing
unit (CPU) must devote to the operations in a program.
- metadata
descriptive data about data that is stored and
managed in a database, in order to facilitate access to captured and
archived data for further use.
- nibble
half a byte, or 4 bits (binary digits).
- operating system data set
a collection of information that IBM mainframe
operating systems such as z/OS and OS/390 can identify and manage
as a unit. IBM operating system data sets correspond to files under
other operating systems. Partitioned data sets (PDSs), sequential
data sets, and VSAM data sets are some types of data sets that are
supported in IBM mainframe environments. By contrast, SAS data sets
are managed by SAS software, not by any operating system, although
they can be stored as members of partitioned data sets or in sequential
data sets on IBM mainframes.
See Printer Command Language.
- portability
the ability of a program to execute in an operating
environment other than the one for which it was written.
- portable
See portability.
- Printer Command Language
a command language that was developed by Hewlett-Packard
for controlling Hewlett-Packard printers. Each PCL command consists
of an escape key followed by a series of code numbers. Different versions
of PCL have been developed for use with different models or types
of Hewlett-Packard printers. Short form: PCL.
- Profile catalog
See Sasuser.Profile catalog.
- random access
in the SAS data model, a pattern of access by
which SAS processes observations according to the value of some indicator
variable without processing all observations sequentially.
- Resource Measurement Facility
a feature of the z/OS and OS/390 operating systems
that records information about each job that is processed. Short form:
See Resource Measurement Facility.
- SAS cataloged procedure
a group of JCL statements that are used to invoke
SAS during the execution of a batch job. You can use a single EXEC
statement to invoke all the JCL statements in the SAS cataloged procedure.
The SAS cataloged procedure is supplied with Base SAS in the z/OS
environment. However, it can be customized at each site.
- SAS data set
a file whose contents are in one of the native
SAS file formats. There are two types of SAS data sets: SAS data files
and SAS data views. SAS data files contain data values in addition
to descriptor information that is associated with the data. SAS data
views contain only the descriptor information plus other information
that is required for retrieving data values from other SAS data sets
or from files whose contents are in other software vendors' file formats.
- SAS library
one or more files that are defined, recognized,
and accessible by SAS and that are referenced and stored as a unit.
Each file is a member of the library.
- Sashelp library
a SAS library supplied by SAS software that stores
the text for Help windows, default function-key definitions and window
definitions, and menus.
- Sasuser.Profile catalog
a SAS catalog in which SAS stores information
about attributes of your SAS windowing environment. For example, this
catalog contains function-key definitions, fonts for graphics applications,
window attributes, and other information that is used by interactive
SAS procedures.
- sequential data set
a type of operating system data set that is organized
so that its data is processed in order, from beginning to end. Sequential
data sets can reside either on disk or on tape. Under z/OS, SAS libraries
can be created and processed as sequential data sets, but sequential
files can also contain data that is external to SAS and that can be
processed by different applications.
See System Management Facility.
- System Management Facility
a feature of the z/OS and OS/390 operating systems
that provides information about the computing resources that the operating
system utilizes when it runs a job. Short form: SMF.
- UNIX System Services
an IBM term for the directory-based hierarchical
file system that is available in the z/OS operating environment. Short
form: USS.
- USER library
a SAS library to which the libref USER has been
assigned. When the libref USER is defined, SAS data sets that have
one-level names are stored in this library instead of in the temporary
WORK library.
See UNIX System Services.
- VSAM data set
a classification that indicates how the records
in an operating system data set are organized. VSAM is an acronym
for Virtual Storage Access Method and is an IBM data access method
that provides three ways to organize records in a disk file: Entry-Sequenced
Data Set (ESDS), Key- Sequenced Data Set (KSDS), and Relative Record
Data Set (RRDS). VSAM allows three types of access to records in VSAM
files: sequential, direct, and skip sequential.
- VSAM file
See VSAM data set.
an acronym for the volume table of contents of
a disk. The VTOC contains the name, date of creation, size, and location
of operating system data sets. If the VTOC is not indexed, then it
also contains information about the amount of unused space on the
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