HSSAVE System Option: z/OS

Controls how often the DIV data set pages are updated when a DIV data set backs a hiperspace library.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window
Category: File Control: SASFILES
Default: HSSAVE
z/OS specifics: All



Required Arguments

specifies that the DIV data set pages are updated every time SAS writes to the hiperspace.
specifies that the DIV data set pages are updated only when the library is closed. A SAS library is closed when you clear the library specification or when you end your SAS session.


Note: DIV data sets are also referred to as VSAM linear data sets.
The HSSAVE default provides the best protection from data loss during programming. During execution of tested programs, you might want to improve performance by specifying NOHSSAVE. The performance improvement results from a decrease in the number of I/O operations to the DIV data set. However, you should not specify NOHSSAVE unless you are willing to risk losing changes. You might lose changes if the library is not closed before a job terminates abnormally.

See Also

Tuning SAS(R) Applications in the OS/390 and z/OS Environments