SAS software has three possible
program configurations:
bundled (LPA/ELPA version)
bundled (non-LPA version).
In an unbundled configuration,
all modules are loaded individually from the SAS software load library.
Running in this manner is not generally recommended because it significantly
increases library-directory searches and I/O. However, SAS is shipped
with this setting by default because some of the installation tasks
must invoke SAS before the installer has had the opportunity to select
a bundled version.
In the two bundled configurations
of SAS, many individual modules are combined into one large executable
file. Invoking a bundled version of SAS eliminates both wasted space
between modules and the overhead of loading each module individually.
Performance is also improved slightly.
In a multiuser SAS environment,
the most effective way to reduce memory requirements is to use the
LPA/ELPA bundled configuration. This configuration dramatically reduces
each user's working-set size.
The non-LPA bundled
configuration is intended for sites that do not want to place SAS
modules in the Link Pack Area. In this configuration, the bundle is
loaded into each user's address space. Although this decreases library-directory
searches and I/O, it has the unfortunate side-effect of increasing
individual working-set sizes. Therefore, this method is not recommended
if you have many SAS users at your site.
For detailed information
about the bundled configurations and how to install them, see the
installation instructions for SAS software in the
z/OS environment.