For Universal Printing, you direct
output to a remote destination by specifying the DEST= option on the
host option parameter of the printer definition. You can modify or
create a printer definition by using PROC PRTDEF, by issuing the DMPRTSETUP
command, or by selecting
Print Setup in the windowing
In the FORM subsystem,
you use the DEST= option of the FILENAME statement or FILENAME function
to direct output to a remote destination. The destination can be
a workstation, a local or remote printer, or other device.
In order to direct your
output to a remote destination, you must know the remote station ID
of the device that receives your output. The station ID is an identifying
label that is established by your data center; it is one to eight
characters in length. You must also know the appropriate SYSOUT class
for output that is directed to the remote device. Your data center
personnel can provide you with this information.
After determining the
remote station ID and the SYSOUT class, you use either the TSO ALLOCATE
command or a SAS FILENAME statement or FILENAME function to establish
a ddname or fileref for the destination. Then use the ddname or fileref
with the PRINTTO procedure to direct your output. Here is an example
that directs the procedure output file to a remote printer:
filename output sysout=a dest=xyz16670;
proc printto print=output;
proc print data=oranges;
The FILENAME statement
includes the options SYSOUT=A and DEST=xyz16670. The values of these
options are site specific. In this case, the output class, A, specifies
that the output is directed to a printer. The destination, xyz16670,
links the fileref to a particular printer.
The PROC PRINTTO statement
then specifies the fileref OUTPUT in the PRINT= option. This option
directs the procedure output file to the destination that was associated
with the fileref OUTPUT in the FILENAME statement. When the PRINT
procedure is executed, SAS sends the procedure output to the job entry
subsystem (JES); the output is not displayed in the
Output window.
JES holds the output until the file identified by the fileref OUTPUT
is closed and deassigned. Then the output is printed at the remote
To send the output to
the printer for the previous example, submit:
proc printto; run;
filename output;
To direct the SAS log
to a remote destination, use the same procedure, but use the LOG=
option instead of the PRINT= option with the PROC PRINTTO statement.