The following macro variables are available only under
contains the value
that is returned by the DSNEXST statement. For more information, see
DSNEXST Statement: z/OS. SYSDEXST has a value of 1 if the
data set specified in the DSNEXST statement is currently available.
It has a value of 0 if the data set is not currently available.
contains the value
of the JCTUSER field of the JCT control block as mapped by the IEFAJCTB
macro. It is a 7-byte character value.
contains the value
of the JMRUSEID field of the JCT control block as mapped by the IEFAJMR
macro. The value is a 7-byte character. This field is blank unless
an installation exit or another program product populates it. This
field is left blank by IBM for the installation to use.
contains the value
of the TSO user ID that is associated with the SAS session, regardless
of whether the session is a batch job, a remote connect session, a SAS/SESSION connection, or a TSO
session. SAS obtains this value from the ACEEUSRI field of the ACEE
control block.
additional automatic macro variables that are available only under
z/OS can be used to help diagnose failures in dynamic allocation.
Their values are updated each time SAS does a dynamic allocation as
a result of a FILENAME or LIBNAME statement (or their equivalent DATA
step or SCL functions). They are undefined until the first dynamic
allocation is performed. These macro variables are:
contains the error
reason code that was returned in the SVC 99 request block.
contains the information
reason code that was returned in the SVC 99 request block.
contains the text of
the message that is associated with the reason code.
contains the return
code that was returned in R15 from SVC 99.
Note: The %PUT statement can be
used to display the contents of these variables in the SAS log. For