options linesize=80 nodate; libname saslib '.saslib.data'; filename outlist '.sasprt.out'; options printerpath = ('Postscript' outlist); ods listing close; ods printer; title1 'ods and up file'; title2 'printerpath with fileref'; proc print data=saslib.houses; format price dollar10.0; run; ods printer close;
options linesize=80 nodate; libname saslib '.saslib.data'; title1 'proc printto'; title2 'filename upr and printerpath'; options printerpath = Postscript; filename upr uprinter; proc printto print=upr; run; proc print data=saslib.houses; format price dollar10.0; run;
1 proc printto 1 filename upr and printerpath style sqfeet brs baths price CONDO 1400 2 1.5 $80,050 CONDO 1390 3 2.5 $79,350 CONDO 2105 4 2.5 $127,150 CONDO 1860 2 2.0 $109,250 CONDO 2000 4 2.5 $125,000 RANCH 1250 2 1.0 $64,000 RANCH 1535 3 3.0 $89,100 RANCH 720 1 1.0 $35,000 RANCH 1300 2 1.0 $70,000 RANCH 1500 3 3.0 $86,000 SPLIT 1190 1 1.0 $65,850 SPLIT 1615 4 3.0 $94,450 SPLIT 1305 3 1.5 $73,650 SPLIT 1590 3 2.0 $92,000 SPLIT 1400 3 2.5 $78,800 TWOSTORY 1810 4 3.0 $107,250 TWOSTORY 1040 2 1.0 $55,850 TWOSTORY 1240 2 1.0 $69,250 TWOSTORY 1745 4 2.5 $102,950 TWOSTORY 1200 4 1.0 $70,000
options nodate; goptions reset=all; libname saslib '.saslib.data'; filename out '.graphip.ps'; options printerpath=(Postscript out); ods listing close; goptions device=sasprtc cback=white gsfmode=append; ods printer style=default; footnote "ODS and Universal Printer"; title1 "Linear Regression"; title2 "Results"; proc reg data=saslib.houses; /* Regression model */ Linear_Regression_Model: MODEL price = sqfeet / ; /* output dataset to use as input for plots */ output out = WORK._PLOTOUT predicted = _predicted1 residual = _residual1 student = _student1 rstudent = _rstudent1; run; quit; goptions hsize=5in vsize=5in; goptions border; title1 "Regression Analysis"; title2 "Plots"; axis1 major=(number=5) width=1; axis3 major=(number=5) offset=(5 pct) width=1; proc gplot data=WORK._PLOTOUT; where price is not missing and sqfeet is not missing; /* ********* PREDICTED plots ********* */ title4 "Observed price by Predicted price"; symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1; label _predicted1 = "Predicted price"; where price is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing; plot price * _predicted1 / vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0 description = "Observed price by Predicted price"; run; /* ********* RESIDUAL plots ********* */ title9 "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price"; symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1; label _rstudent1 = "Residuals"; label _predicted1 = "Predicted price"; where _rstudent1 is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing; plot _rstudent1 * _predicted1 / vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0 vref=0 description = "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price"; run; symbol; quit; proc delete data=WORK._PLOTOUT; run; title; footnote; run; ods printer close;
options linesize=80 nodate; goptions reset=all; filename out '.graphip.ps'; goptions device=ps gsfname=out; goptions cback=white gsfmode=append; libname saslib '.saslib.data'; footnote "Regular SAS/GRAPH PS Output; no ODS, no Universal Printer"; title1 "Linear Regression"; title2 "Results"; proc reg data=saslib.houses; /* Regression model */ Linear_Regression_Model: MODEL price = sqfeet / ; /* output dataset to use as input for plots */ output out = WORK._PLOTOUT predicted = _predicted1 residual = _residual1 student = _student1 rstudent = _rstudent1; run; quit; goptions hsize=5in vsize=5in; goptions border; title1 "Regression Analysis"; title2 "Plots"; axis1 major=(number=5) width=1; axis3 major=(number=5) offset=(5 pct) width=1; proc gplot data=WORK._PLOTOUT; where price is not missing and sqfeet is not missing; /* ********* PREDICTED plots ********* */ title4 "Observed price by Predicted price"; symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1; label _predicted1 = "Predicted price"; where price is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing; plot price * _predicted1 / vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0 description = "Observed price by Predicted price"; run; /* ********* RESIDUAL plots ********* */ title9 "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price"; symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1; label _rstudent1 = "Residuals"; label _predicted1 = "Predicted price"; where _rstudent1 is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing; plot _rstudent1 * _predicted1 / vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0 vref=0 description = "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price"; run; symbol; quit; proc delete data=WORK._PLOTOUT; run; title; footnote; run;
1 Linear Regression 1 Results The REG Procedure Model: Linear_Regression_Model Dependent Variable: price Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 1 12798244470 12798244470 3791.82 <.0001 Error 26 87755798 3375223 Corrected Total 27 12886000268 Root MSE 1837.17800 R-Square 0.9932 Dependent Mean 83716 Adj R-Sq 0.9929 Coeff Var 2.19453 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 -16246 1660.05685 -9.79 <.0001 sqfeet 1 68.52572 1.11283 61.58 <.0001 Regular SAS/GRAPH PS Output; no ODS, no Universal Printer