PROCLEAVE= System Option: z/OS

Specifies an amount of memory that is to be held in reserve, and that is to be made available only when memory allocation would otherwise fail.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window
Category: System Administration: MEMORY
Default: (0,153600)
z/OS specifics: All


PROCLEAVE=n | nK | nM | (n | nK | nM, | n | nK) | nM)

Required Arguments

n |nK | nM
specifies in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes how much memory to leave unallocated above the 16-megabyte line. The amount of unallocated memory below the 16-megabyte line is set to the default value. Valid values are any integer from 0 to the maximum amount of available memory.
(n | nK | nM, n | nK | nM )
specifies in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes how much memory to leave unallocated below the 16-megabyte line, followed by the amount of memory to leave unallocated above the line. Valid values are any integer from 0 to the maximum amount of available memory.