The CLIST option controls
whether SAS obtains its input from the terminal directly (NOCLIST
specified or defaulted) or indirectly (CLIST specified) when running
interactively under TSO. When the CLIST option is specified and SAS
is executed from a CLIST, any statements following the SASCP command
in the CLIST are executed by SAS. Any of those statements that resolve
as commands are executed as SAS statements. If the end of the CLIST
is reached, then SAS continues to read statements from the REXX stack
until it is empty. SAS then reads from the terminal. An ENDSAS statement
in any of these three input locations terminates the session. To take
advantage of this feature, you should provide your own CLIST in place
of the one that is shipped with SAS.
The CLIST option can
also be used when SAS is executed from a REXX exec. In this case,
there is no support for reading statements from the REXX code, but
statements are read from the REXX stack and then from the terminal.
Thus, you can use the REXX exec that is shipped with SAS.
When the CLIST option
is specified, the NODMS option is automatically set.
The following example
shows how a user-written REXX exec can use the CLIST option to submit
statements to a SAS session that is started from the REXX exec that
SAS supplies:
queue "data_null_;"
queue "put 'Use QUEUE to provide input when using the CLIST option';"
queue "run;"
queue "endsas;"
'SASRX -clist'