specifies that SAS
terminates for most errors (including syntax errors and file not found
errors) that normally cause it to issue an error message, set OBS=0,
and go into syntax-check mode (if syntax checking is enabled). SAS
also terminates if an error occurs in any global statement other than
the LIBNAME and FILENAME statements.
system option with SAS production programs, which presumably should
not encounter any errors. If errors are encountered and ERRORABEND
is in effect, SAS brings the errors to your attention immediately
by terminating. ERRORABEND does not affect how SAS handles notes such
as invalid data messages.
specifies that SAS
handle errors normally, that is, issue an error message, set OBS=0,
and go into syntax-check mode (if syntax checking is enabled).
a SAS session abends when it is processing an ABORT statement, then
SAS uses the normal termination disposition when it deallocates any
z/OS data set that SAS dynamically allocated during the session as
a part of FILENAME or LIBNAME processing. For more information, see
the description of the DISP option for FILENAME Statement: z/OS or LIBNAME Statement: z/OS.