Category: | External Files |
z/OS specifics: | info-item |
on the index that is passed from the do
It returns that attribute to the 72-byte–byte character variable
that is declared as the function’s output variable. If the
output variable is too small, a note is issued. An ERROR message is
issued after the note.
length xattr $4096; length xdsn $4096; length xidnm $256; length xnum 8; length xattrn 8; length xattrc $72; xdsn = zdslist(‘catlg’, ‘sasdrc.sas.*’, ‘’, ‘’); xnum = zdsnum(xdsn); do i = 1 to xnum; xidnm = zdsidnm(xdsn, i); xattr = zdsattr(xidnm, ‘ALL’); xattrn = zdsxatt(xattr); do j = 1 to xattrn; xattrc=zdsyatt(xattr, j); put @1 xattrc; end; end;