SASHELP System Option: Windows

Specifies the directory or directories to be searched for SAS default forms, device lists, dictionaries, and other entries in the Sashelp catalog.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Files
Default: !sasroot\SAS product\sashelp, !sascfg\sascfg
Windows specifics: Valid values for library-specification
See: SASHELP= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference


-SASHELP ("library-specification-1"…<"library-specification-n")>

Required Argument

library-specification-1”… “library-specification-n
specifies one or more valid Windows pathnames or environment variables that are associated with pathnames. Remember that a pathname applies only to the directory or subdirectory level. The value for library-specification must resolve to a valid Windows pathname. If the pathname contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.


The SASHELP system option is set during the installation process and normally is not changed after installation.
Note that products and their corresponding files can be split across multiple drives and directories. The library-specification argument can be a Windows pathname or an environment variable associated with a pathname.
You can use the APPEND and INSERT system options to add additional file specifications.

See Also

APPEND= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference
INSERT= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference