specifies one or more
directory pathnames in which SAS Help and Documentation files are
located. Pathname must be a
valid Windows pathname that contains the installed Microsoft HTML
Help files. Pathnames must be enclosed in quotation marks. When more
than one pathname is specified, use parentheses around the list of
Specifying a HELPLOC value
Specifying a value for
the HELPLOC system option causes SAS to insert that value at the start
of a concatenated list of values. This action enables you to access
the help for your site without losing access to SAS Help and Documentation.
The default folders
!MYSASFILES\classdoc and !sasroot\core\help are used for SAS/AF application Help and SAS Help and
Documentation, respectively.
You can use the APPEND
and INSERT system options to add additional file specifications.
The following command
contains two specifications of HELPLOC:
sas -helploc "c:\app1\help" -helploc "c:\app2\help"
The value of the system
option is of the following form: