Traditional Graphics in the IML Procedure

Segment Attributes

Each graphics segment is created with a default set of attributes. These attributes are color, line style, line thickness, fill pattern, font, character height, and aspect ratio. You can use the GSET call to change any of these attributes. Some PROC IML graphics subroutines take optional attribute arguments. The values of these arguments affect only the graphics output that are associated with the call.

The PROC IML graphics subsystem uses the same conventions that SAS/GRAPH software uses in setting the default attributes. It also uses the options set in the GOPTIONS statement when applicable. The default values for the GSET call are given by their corresponding GOPTIONS default values. Use the GOPTIONS statement to change the default values. The GOPTIONS statement can also be used to set graphics options not available through the GSET call (for example, the ROTATE option).

For more information about GOPTIONS, refer to the chapter on the GOPTIONS statement in SAS/GRAPH: Reference.