CALL GPOINT (x, y <*>, symbol <*>, color <*>, height <*>, window <*>, viewport );
The GPOINT subroutine is a graphical call that draws symbols at specified locations. This call is part of the traditional graphics subsystem, which is no longer being developed.
The required arguments to the GPOINT subroutine are as follows:
is a vector that contains the horizontal coordinates of points.
is a vector that contains the vertical coordinates of points.
The optional arguments to the GPOINT subroutine are as follows:
is a character vector or quoted literal that specifies a valid plotting symbol or symbols.
is a valid SAS color, where color can be specified as a quoted text string (such as 'RED'), the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a color number (such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
is a numeric matrix or literal that specifies the character height.
is a numeric matrix or literal that specifies a window. This is given in world coordinates and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y} |
is a numeric matrix or literal that specifies a viewport. This is given in normalized coordinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GPOINT subroutine marks one or more points with symbols. The x and y vectors define the locations of the markers. The symbol and color arguments can have from one to as many elements as there are well-defined points. The coordinates in use for this graphics command are world coordinates.
The following example plots the curve for
call gstart; x = 0:100; y = 50 + 25*sin(x/10); call gpoint(x, y); call gshow;
The following example uses the GPOINT subroutine to plot symbols at specific locations on the screen:
marker = {a b c d e '@' '#' '$' '%' '^' '&' '*' '-' '+' '='}; x = 5*(1:ncol(marker)); y = x; call gpoint(x, y, marker); call gshow;
See Chapter 16 for further examples that use the GPOINT subroutine.