INVUPDT (matrix, vector<, scalar>);
The INVUPDT function updates a matrix inverse.
The arguments to the INVUPDT function are as follows:
is an nonsingular matrix. In most applications matrix is symmetric positive definite.
is an or
is a numeric scalar.
The Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula is
where is an
nonsingular matrix and
. The formula shows that a rank k update to
corresponds to a rank k update of
The INVUPDT function implements the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula for rank-one updates with and
, where
is an
vector and w is a scalar.
If , then you can call the INVUPDT function as follows:
R = invupdt(M, X, w);
This statement computes the following matrix:
The matrix is equivalent to
. If
is symmetric positive definite, then so is
If w is not specified, then it is given a default value of 1.
A common use of the INVUPDT function is in linear regression. If is a design matrix,
is the associated inverse crossproduct matrix, and
is a new observation to be used in estimating the parameters of a linear model, then the inverse crossproducts matrix that
includes the new observation can be updated from
by using the following statement:
M2 = invupdt(M, v);
If w is 1, the function adds an observation to the inverse; if w is , the function removes an observation from the inverse. If weighting is used, w is the weight.
To perform the computation, the INVUPDT function uses about multiplications and additions, where n is the row dimension of the positive definite argument matrix.
The following program demonstrates adding or removing observations from a linear fit and updating the inverse crossproduct matrix:
X = {0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4}; Y = {1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4}; /* find linear fit */ Z = j(nrow(X), 1, 1) || X; /* design matrix */ M = inv(Z`*Z); b = M*Z`*Y; /* LS estimate */ resid = Y - Z*b; /* residuals */ print "Original Fit", b resid; /* residual for observation (1,6) seems too large. Take obs number 4 out of data set and refit. */ v = z[4,]; M = invupdt(M, v, -1); /* update inverse crossprod */ keepObs = (1:3) || (5:nrow(X)); Z = Z[keepObs, ]; Y = Y[keepObs, ]; b = M*Z`*Y; /* new LS estimate */ print "After deleting observation 4", b; /* Add a new obs (x,y) = (0,2) and refit. */ obs = {0 2}; v = 1 || obs[1]; /* new row in design matrix */ M = invupdt(M, v); Z = Z // v; Y = Y // obs[2]; b = M*Z`*Y; /* new LS estimate */ print "After adding observation (0,2)", b;