(x, p, l, r);
The RSUBSTR function is part of the IMLMLIB library
. The RSUBSTR function returns an matrix with substrings of the input matrix with new strings.
The inputs to the RSUBSTR subroutine are as follows:
is any character matrix.
is an matrix or a scalar that determines the starting positions for substrings to be replaced.
is an matrix or a scalar that determines the lengths of substrings to be replaced.
is an matrix or a scalar that specifies the replacement strings.
If l is zero, the replacement string in r is simply inserted into the input matrix x at the position indicated by p.
For example, the following statements replace the first two characters of each entry in the matrix X with the corresponding entry in the matrix R:
x = {abc def ghi,jkl mno pqr}; r = {z y x, w v u}; p = 1; l = 2; c=rsubstr(x,p,l,r); print x, c;