TRISOLV (form, R, b <, piv> );
The TRISOLV function efficiently solves linear systems that involve a triangular matrix.
The TRISOLV function returns the matrix
that contains p solutions of the p linear systems specified by form, R, and b.
The arguments to the TRISOLV function are as follows:
specifies which of the following form of a triangular linear system is to be solved:
solve ,
upper triangular
solve ,
upper triangular
solve ,
lower triangular
solve ,
lower triangular
specifies the nonsingular upper (form=1,2) or lower (form=3,4) triangular coefficient matrix
. Only the upper or lower triangle of argument matrix R is used; the other triangle can contain any information.
specifies the matrix,
, of p right-hand sides
specifies an optional n vector that relates the order of the columns of matrix to the order of the columns of an original coefficient matrix
for which matrix
has been computed as a factor. For example, the vector piv can be the result of the QR decomposition of a matrix
whose columns were permuted in the order
For form=1 and form=3, the solution is obtained by backward elimination. For form=2 and form=4, the solution is obtained by forward substitution.
If TRISOLV recognizes the upper or lower triangular matrix as a singular matrix (that is, one that contains at least one zero diagonal element), it exits with an error message.
Consider the following example:
R = { 1 0 0 0, 3 2 0 0, 1 -3 5 0, 2 7 9 -1 }; b = {1, 1, 4, -6 }; x = trisolv(4, R, b); print x;
Also see the example in section The Full-Rank Linear Least Squares Problem.