Several SAS/IML statements support a VAR clause that specifies variables to use for subsequent processing. The VAR clause is supported by the following statements:
The general form of the VAR clause is
The argument vars is one of the following:
a literal matrix that contains variable names
a character matrix that contains variable names
an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
one of the following keywords:
for all variables
for all character variables
for all numeric variables
The following examples demonstrate ways to use the VAR clause:
proc iml; use Sashelp.Class; read all var {age sex}; /* a literal matrix of names */ varNames = {"weight" "height"}; read all var varNames; /* a matrix that contains the names */ read all var _NUM_ into X; /* a keyword */ close Sashelp.Class; x1 = X[,1]; x2 = X[,2]; x3 = X[,3]; create Test var ("x1":"x3"); /* an expression */ append; close Test;