Some SAS IT Resource
Management 2.6 and 2.7 collectors, such as SiteScope, do not have
a corresponding SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 adapter. In this situation,
do not attempt to migrate the unsupported data source to SAS IT Resource
Management 3.3. For best results, continue to run the unsupported
collector in SAS IT Resource Management 2.6 or 2.7 until a version
of SAS IT Resource Management is available that supports that data
source. Future releases of SAS IT Resource Management might include
support for legacy SAS IT Resource Management 2.6 and 2.7 collectors.
If migration is performed
for unsupported data sources, a single staging job (and set of folders)
is created for them.
Note: If you have multiple generic
collectors in your PDB, then only a single staging job is created
for all of the generic collectors. You can split this staging job
into separate jobs because not all the staging tables are from the
same generic collector or the same staging code.
The staging job for
the unsupported data sources contains a User-Written staging transformation.
Right-click this transformation in the process flow diagram and select
Three types of properties need to be specified: Staging parameters,
Duplicate Checking Options parameters, and User-Written parameters.
As shown in the following display,
Staging panel of the
Parameters tab enables the user to update the
data input file or directory field, if it is used by
the staging code.
Staging Parameters Tab of a Staging Transformation for a User-Written
In addition, review
Future data field and update it as needed.
As shown in the following display,
Duplicate Checking Options panel enables
the user to specify parameters for the %RMDUPCHK macro to use with
the user-written staging code. To access all the duplicate checking
parameters, set
Enable duplicate checking to
which displays those parameters.
Duplicate Checking Options of a Staging Transformation for
a User-Written Adapter
As shown in the following display,
User-Written panel enables the user to
specify the file that contains the staging code.
User-Written Parameters of a Staging Transformation for a User-Written
Note: For more information about
the User-Written staging transformation, see Chapter 11, “User-Written
Staging Code” in the
SAS IT Resource Management: Administrator's Guide.