METAPASS=password for metauser
,METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
,METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
,METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
,_NEW_DATAMART=name of IT data mart with upgraded data model
,_OLD_DATAMART=name of the migrated IT data mart to use

%RMUPGRDM Required Parameters

METAPASS=password for metauser
specifies the password for connecting the user ID to the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
specifies the TCP/IP service name or port number that the metadata server is listening on. A value for this parameter is required. This value is usually 8561.
METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
specifies the host-name or TCP/IP address of your metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
specifies the user ID for accessing the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
_NEW_DATAMART=name of IT data mart with upgraded data model
specifies the name of the IT data mart that you just created with the Adapter Setup wizard in the previous step. This IT data mart contains the upgraded data after the upgrading process has successfully completed. A value for this parameter is required.
_OLD_DATAMART=name of the migrated IT data mart
specifies the name of the migrated IT data mart from which you are upgrading. A value for this parameter is required.

%RMUPGRDM Optional Parameters

specifies whether a report should be produced that details the changes that would be made by upgrading to the new data model. A value for this parameter is optional. If this value is YES, a report is produced. The default value is NO. If this value of the parameter is blank or NO, a report is not produced.
specifies whether the IT data mart should be updated with the new data model. A value for this parameter is optional. If this value is YES, the IT data mart is upgraded with the new data model. The default value is NO. If this value is blank or NO, the IT data mart is not upgraded with the new data model.
specifies the version of SAS IT Resource Management that the _OLD_DATAMART originated from, before being migrated. If the _OLD_DATAMART was migrated from SAS IT Resource Management 2.6 or 2.7, set the value of this parameter to 2. If the _OLD_DATAMART was migrated from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, or 3.21, set the value of this parameter to 3. A value for this parameter is optional. If left blank, the value of this parameter defaults to 3.

%RMUPGRDM Examples

Example 1: Create a Comparison Report

The following example creates a comparison report that summarizes the differences between an IT data mart called Old SAR DataMart and the SAR DataMart IT data mart. The IT data mart called Old SAR DataMart conforms to the SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 data model. The SAR DataMart IT data mart conforms to the SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 data model.
    _OLD_DATAMART=Old SAR DataMart,

Example 2: Upgrade an IT Data Mart to the New Data Model

The following example copies and upgrades the data in an IT data mart called Old SAR DataMart to the IT data mart called SAR DataMart. The IT data mart called Old SAR DataMart conforms to the 3.1.1 data model. The IT data mart called SAR DataMart conforms to the SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 data model.
    _OLD_DATAMART=Old SAR DataMart,


Some changes to the data do not occur until you run the aggregation jobs from the new IT data mart for these tables. For example, any columns that were not in the original data are not populated until the first time the aggregation job is run. Therefore, the supplied reports might not work correctly until you run the aggregation jobs.
By default, the WEEKDATE formula used in the IT data mart that is created by the Adapter Setup wizard sets the beginning of the week as Sunday. The migrated IT data mart might have specified a different day (for example, Monday) as the beginning of the week. If so, update the WEEKDATE formula that the new IT data mart uses before you upgrade the IT data mart to the new data model.