Macros That Are Used for the Migration Process

Introduction to Migration Macros

The following macros are used in the migration process for SAS IT Resource Management:
Note: These three macros can be used when the SMU process is executed. They can also be executed when you migrate a single IT data mart.


%RMDMPKG Overview

%RMDMPKG creates a package of the IT data mart that is to be moved to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3.

%RMDMPKG Macro Syntax

DATAMART=name of the IT data mart to use
,METAPASS=password for the metauser
,METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
,METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
,METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
,PKGDIR=output directory to contain the CPORT files
<,IDXNAME=PKGIDX | alternate filename>
<,REPOS=Foundation | metadata repository>
<,_RC=macro variable name to hold return code>

%RMDMPKG Required Arguments

DATAMART=name of the IT data mart to use
specifies the name of the IT data mart that is to be used. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPASS=password for the metauser
specifies the password for connecting the user ID to the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
specifies the TCP/IP service name or port number that the metadata server is listening on. A value for this parameter is required.
METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
specifies the host name or TCP/IP address of the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
specifies the user ID for accessing the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required. For more information, see the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
PKGDIR=output directory to contain the CPORT files
specifies the directory that is to contain the CPORT files for all the SAS libraries in the IT data mart. A value for this parameter is required. This directory must exist before running the %RMDMPKG macro. In addition, the directory must have enough disk space available to accommodate all IT data mart physical data sets in transport format. For Windows, UNIX, and zFS on z/OS, this is a standard directory. For a traditional z/OS file system, this file should be a PDS or PDSE.
Note: If you are working with a very large IT data mart, the output directory should be a zFS directory instead of a PDS or PDSE.

%RMDMPKG Optional Parameters

specifies the disposition of input libraries on z/OS only. Warning messages might occur if the disposition is set to SHR. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is OLD.
specifies that the packages are to be created. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is NO.
If you specify INDEXONLY, %RMDMPKG does not create transport files for SAS IT Resource Management libraries. Instead, only the index file is created in the specified package directory. The index file is a small SAS data set in transport format that describes the SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, and 3.3 libraries that will be migrated to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3.
When the %RMDMUPKG macro runs later with the INDEXONLY option specified, it will use PROC COPY to copy the SAS IT Resource Management libraries (that you are migrating from) to the SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 directories that are specified in the metadata.
Note: If you specify INDEXONLY, the SAS IT Resource Management libraries (that you are migrating from) must be accessible from SAS IT Resource Management 3.3.
specifies that a report is to be produced that lists that SAS libraries were packaged. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is YES.
IDXNAME=PKGIDX | alternate filename
specifies the name of the file that is to be used as an index of the files that are packaged. A value for this parameter is optional. It is required only if there are naming conflicts. The default name of this file is pkgidx.cpt on Windows, UNIX, and zFS on z/OS. The default name is PKGIDX on a traditional z/OS file system.
REPOS=Foundation | metadata repository
specifies the metadata repository that contains the IT data mart. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is Foundation.
Note: IT data marts from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 were created in an ITMS repository. IT data marts from subsequent SAS IT Resource Management releases were created in the Foundation repository by default, but they can also be created in other repositories.
specifies whether staged libraries should be packaged. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is NO.
_RC=macro variable name to hold return code
specifies the name of a macro variable that holds the return code value from the execution of this macro. A value for this parameter is optional. This parameter is not case sensitive.


%RMDMPATH Overview

%RMDMPATH modifies the root paths that are associated with the pathnames for SAS libraries in the IT data mart.

%RMDMPATH Macro Syntax

DATAMART=name of the IT data mart to use
,METAPASS=password for the metauser
,METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
,METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
,METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
,NEW_ROOTPATH=new root path value
,OLD_ROOTPATH=old root path that is to be renamed
<,REPOS=Foundation | metadata repository>
<,_RC=macro variable name to hold return code>

%RMDMPATH Required Arguments

DATAMART=name of the IT data mart to use
specifies the name of the IT data mart that is to be used. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPASS=password for the metauser
specifies the password to use for connecting the user ID to the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
specifies the TCP/IP service name or port number that the metadata server is listening on. A value for this parameter is required.
METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
specifies the host name or TCP/IP address of the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
specifies the user ID for accessing the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required. For more information, see SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
NEW_ROOTPATH=new root path value
specifies the new root path value that replaces the old root path value in all of the pathnames for SAS libraries. A value for this parameter is required and it is case sensitive.
OLD_ROOTPATH=old root path that is to be renamed
specifies the old root path value that is to be renamed. This parameter is matched with the pathnames of all SAS libraries in the IT data mart, starting in column 1 of the pathname. A value for this parameter is required and it is case sensitive.

%RMDMPATH Optional Parameters

specifies that the default root path associated with the IT data mart is to be renamed in addition to the pathnames associated with SAS libraries. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is YES.
specifies that the SAS libraries are to be renamed. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is NO.
specifies that a report be produced that details what SAS libraries were renamed. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is YES.
REPOS=Foundation | metadata repository
specifies the metadata repository that contains the IT data mart. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is Foundation.
Note: IT data marts from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 were created in an ITMS repository. IT data marts from subsequent SAS IT Resource Management releases were created in the Foundation repository by default, but can also be created in other repositories.
_RC=macro variable name to hold return code
specifies the name of a macro variable that holds the return code value from the execution of this macro. A value for this parameter is optional. This parameter is not case sensitive.


%RMDMUPKG Overview

%RMDMUPKG unpackages the IT data mart that you moved from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3.

%RMDMUPKG Macro Syntax

DATAMART=name of the IT data mart to use
,METAPASS=password for metauser
,METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
,METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
,METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
,PKGDIR=output directory to contain the CPORT files
<,FILEDEVICE=z/OS type of device>
<,FILESPACEPRIMARY=z/OS primary space allocation>
<,FILESPACESECONDARY=z/OS secondary space allocation>
<,FILEUNIT=z/OS unit of allocation>
<,IDXNAME=PKGIDX | alternate filename>
<,REPOS=Foundation | metadata repository>
<,_RC=macro variable name to hold return code>

%RMDMUPKG Required Parameters

DATAMART=name of the IT data mart to use
specifies the name of the IT data mart that is to be used. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPASS=password for metauser
specifies the password for connecting the user ID to the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAPORT=service or port for the metadata server
specifies the TCP/IP service name or port number that the metadata server is listening on. A value for this parameter is required.
METASERVER=host-name or IP address for the metadata server
specifies the host name or TCP/IP address of the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required.
METAUSER=user ID for metadata server access and definition
specifies the user ID for accessing the metadata server. A value for this parameter is required. For more information, see SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
PKGDIR=output directory to contain the CPORT files
specifies the directory that is to contain the CPORT files for all of the SAS libraries in the IT data mart. A value for this parameter is required. This directory must exist before running the %RMDMUPKG macro. In addition, it must have enough disk space available to accommodate all IT data mart physical data sets in transport format. For Windows, UNIX, and zFS on z/OS, this is a standard directory. For a traditional z/OS file system, this file should be a PDS or PDSE.
Note: If you are working with a very large IT data mart, the output directory should be a zFS directory instead of a PDS or PDSE.

%RMDMUPKG Optional Parameters

specifies whether the migrated aggregation tables are to be compressed. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is NO.
specifies whether packages were created by the %RMDMPKG macro. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is NO.
If you specify INDEXONLY, %RMDMUPKG unpackages the index file and uses the information in that file to access the SAS IT Resource Management libraries directly without any intervening packaging or unpackaging. The %RMDMUPKG macro uses PROC COPY to copy the SAS IT Resource Management libraries (that you are migrating from) to the SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 directories that are specified in the metadata.
Note: If you specify INDEXONLY, the SAS IT Resource Management libraries (that you are migrating from) must be accessible from SAS IT Resource Management 3.3.
specifies that a report be produced that details what SAS libraries were packaged. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is YES.
FILEDEVICE=z/OS type of device
specifies the UNIT allocation parameter to use in the allocation of IT data mart libraries in a z/OS traditional file system such as SYSDA. A value for this parameter is optional. If it is not specified, it defaults to the value of the FILEDEV SAS system option.
FILEUNIT=z/OS unit of allocation
specifies the unit of space allocation to use in the allocation of IT data mart libraries in a z/OS traditional file system such as CYL. A value for this parameter is optional. If it is not specified, then it defaults to the value of the FILEUNIT SAS system option.
FILESPACEPRIMARY=z/OS primary space allocation
specifies the primary space allocation to use in the allocation of IT data mart libraries in a z/OS traditional file system. A value for this parameter is optional. If it is not specified, then it defaults to the value of the FILESPPRI SAS system option.
FILESPACESECONDARY=z/OS secondary space allocation
specifies the secondary space allocation to use in the allocation of IT data mart libraries in a z/OS traditional file system. A value for this parameter is optional. If it is not specified, then it defaults to the value of the FILESPSEC SAS system option.
IDXNAME=PKGIDX | alternate filename
specifies the name of the file that is to be used an index of the files that are packaged. A value for this parameter is optional. It must be supplied only if there are naming conflicts. The default name is pkgidx.cpt on Windows, UNIX, and zFS on z/OS. The default name is PKGIDX on traditional z/OS file system.
specifies any valid LIBNAME options to use in the allocation of IT data mart libraries in a z/OS traditional file system. A value for this parameter is optional.
specifies that only the library that is identified by the specified libref will be copied to the IT data mart in SAS IT Resource Management 3.3. If this argument is not specified, the %RMDMUPKG macro copies all the libraries in the IT data mart.
To determine the libref names, view the previous output report of the %RMDMPKG macro. You can also determine the libref names by viewing the library metadata in SAS Management Console.
REPOS=Foundation | metadata repository
specifies the metadata repository that contains the IT data mart. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is Foundation.
Note: IT data marts from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 were created in an ITMS repository. IT data marts from subsequent SAS IT Resource Management releases were created in the Foundation repository by default, but can also be created in other repositories.
_RC=macro variable name to hold return code
specifies the name of a macro variable that holds the return code value from the execution of this macro. A value for this parameter is optional. This parameter is not case sensitive.
specifies whether the SAS Migration Utility was used to migrate the data. If the SAS Migration Utility was used, SAS IT Resource Management performs extensive error-checking to ensure that the proper libraries are used to unpackage the data. A value for this parameter is optional. The default value for this parameter is YES.
  • If the value is set to YES, error-checking is performed.
  • If the value is set to NO, error-checking is not performed.
    Note: If you are migrating a single IT data mart, additional error-checking is not required. Set the value of this parameter to NO to avoid generating error messages.