Calls a Web service by using basic Web authentication; credentials for the authentication domain are retrieved from metadata.
Category: | Web Service |
specifies a character value that is the fileref. IN is used to input XML data that contains the SOAP request.
specifies a character value that is the URL of the Web service endpoint.
specifies a character value that is the fileref where the SOAP response output XML will be written.
specifies a character value that is a SOAPAction element to invoke on the Web service.
specifies a character value that is the authentication domain from which to retrieve a user name and password from metadata for basic Web authentication.
specifies a numeric value that is the setting for the mustUnderstand attribute in the SOAP header.
specifies a numeric value that is an HTTP proxy server port.
specifies a character value that is an HTTP proxy server host.
specifies a character value that is an HTTP proxy server user name.
specifies a character value that is an HTTP proxy server password. Encodings that are produced by PROC PWENCODE are supported.
specifies a character value that is a Spring configuration file that is used primarily to set time-out values.
specifies a character value that is the full path to a file that is used for debugging logging output.
FILENAME request 'C:\temp\Request.xml'; FILENAME response 'C:\temp\Response.xml'; OPTIONS metauser="metadata-user" metapass="password" metaprotocol=bridge metaport=8561 metaserver=""; data _null_; url="http://somemachine/basicauth/AddService.asmx"; soapaction=""; webauthdomain="DefaultAuth"; rc = soapwebmeta("request", url, "response", soapaction, webauthdomain); run;