Generates all combinations of the indices of n objects taken k at a time in a minimal change order.

Category: Combinatorial


CALL ALLCOMBI(N, K, index-1, …, index-K, <, index-added, index-removed> );

Required Arguments


is a numeric constant, variable, or expression that specifies the total number of objects.


is a numeric constant, variable, or expression that specifies the number of objects in each combination.


is a numeric variable that contains indices of the objects in the returned combination. Indices are integers between 1 and N inclusive.

Tip If index-1 is missing or zero, then ALLCOMBI initializes the indices to index-1=1 through index-K=K. Otherwise, ALLCOMBI creates a new combination by removing one index from the combination and adding another index.

Optional Arguments


is a numeric variable in which ALLCOMBI returns the value of the index that was added.


is a numeric variable in which ALLCOMBI returns the value of the index that was removed.



Before you make the first call to ALLCOMBI, complete one of the following tasks:
  • Set index-1 equal to zero or to a missing value.
  • Initialize index-1 through index-K to distinct integers between 1 and N inclusive.
The number of combinations of N objects taken K at a time can be computed as COMB(N, K). To generate all combinations of N objects taken K at a time, call ALLCOMBI in a loop that executes COMB(N, K) times.

Using the CALL ALLCOMBI Routine with Macros

If you call ALLCOMBI from the macro processor with %SYSCALL, then you must initialize all arguments to numeric values. &SYSCALL reformats the values that are returned.
If an error occurs during the execution of the CALL ALLCOMBI routine, then both of the following values are set:
  • &SYSERR is assigned a value that is greater than 4.
  • &SYSINFO is assigned a value that is less than –100.
If there are no errors, then &SYSERR and &SYSINFO are set to zero.


The CALL ALLCOMBI routine generates all combinations of the indices of N objects taken K at a time in a minimal change order. The CALL ALLCOMB routine generates all combinations of the values of N variables taken K at a time in a minimal change order.


Example 1: Using CALL ALLCOMBI in a DATA Step

The following is an example of the CALL ALLCOMBI routine that is used in a DATA step.
data _null_;
   array x[5] $3 ('ant' 'bee' 'cat' 'dog' 'ewe');
   array c[3] $3;
   array i[3];
   ncomb=comb(n,k);    /* The one extra call goes back */
   do j=1 to ncomb+1;  /* to the first combination. */
      call allcombi(n, k, of i[*], add, remove);
      do h=1 to k;
      put @4 j= @10 'i= ' i[*] +3 'c= ' c[*] +3 add= remove=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
   j=1   i= 1 2 3    c= ant bee cat    add=0 remove=0
   j=2   i= 1 3 4    c= ant cat dog    add=4 remove=2
   j=3   i= 2 3 4    c= bee cat dog    add=2 remove=1
   j=4   i= 1 2 4    c= ant bee dog    add=1 remove=3
   j=5   i= 1 4 5    c= ant dog ewe    add=5 remove=2
   j=6   i= 2 4 5    c= bee dog ewe    add=2 remove=1
   j=7   i= 3 4 5    c= cat dog ewe    add=3 remove=2
   j=8   i= 1 3 5    c= ant cat ewe    add=1 remove=4
   j=9   i= 2 3 5    c= bee cat ewe    add=2 remove=1
   j=10  i= 1 2 5    c= ant bee ewe    add=1 remove=3
   j=11  i= 1 2 3    c= ant bee cat    add=3 remove=5

Example 2: Using CALL ALLCOMBI with Macros

The following is an example of the CALL ALLCOMBI routine that is used with macros.
%macro test;
   %let x1=0;
   %let x2=0;
   %let x3=0;
   %let add=0;
   %let remove=0;
   %let n=5;
   %let k=3;
   %let ncomb=%sysfunc(comb(&n,&k));
   %do j=1 %to &ncomb;
      %syscall allcombi(n,k,x1,x2,x3,add,remove);
      %let jfmt=%qsysfunc(putn(&j,5.));
      %put &jfmt: &x1 &x2 &x3 add=&add remove=&remove;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
    1: 1 2 3 add=0 remove=0
    2: 1 3 4 add=4 remove=2
    3: 2 3 4 add=2 remove=1
    4: 1 2 4 add=1 remove=3
    5: 1 4 5 add=5 remove=2
    6: 2 4 5 add=2 remove=1
    7: 3 4 5 add=3 remove=2
    8: 1 3 5 add=1 remove=4
    9: 2 3 5 add=2 remove=1
   10: 1 2 5 add=1 remove=3

See Also

CALL Routines: