Commonly Used Intervals with Optional Multiplier and Shift
Weekly intervals starting
on Sundays
Weekly intervals starting
on Saturdays
Six-week intervals starting
on second Fridays
Biweekly intervals starting
on first Sundays
Weekly intervals starting
on Mondays
Six-week intervals starting
on first Tuesdays
Six-week intervals starting
on second Wednesdays
Four-week intervals
starting on first Sundays
Five-day work week with
a Saturday-Sunday weekend
Six-day week with Sunday
as a weekend day
Five-day week with Tuesday
and Thursday as weekend days (W indicates that day 3 and day 5 are
weekend days)
Five-day week with Friday
and Saturday as weekend days
Three-weekday intervals
with Saturday and Sunday as weekend days (The intervals are aligned
with respect to Jan. 1, 1960. For intervals that nest within a year,
it is not necessary to go back to Jan. 1, 1960 to determine the alignment.)
Four ten-day periods
starting at the second TENDAY period
Intervals from the sixteenth
of one month through the fifteenth of the next month
April–May, June–July, August–September, October–November,
and December–January of the following year
March–April, May–June, July–August, September–October,
Nine-month intervals
starting on February 1, 1960, November 1, 1960, August 1, 1961, May
1, 1962, and so on.
Six-month intervals,
March–August and September–February
Fiscal years starting
in October
Biennial intervals starting
in July of even years
Biennial intervals starting
in July of odd years
Four-year intervals
starting in November of leap years (frequency of U.S. presidential
Four-year intervals
starting in November of even years between leap years (frequency of
U.S. midterm elections)
Thirteen-month intervals
starting at midnight of January 1, 1960, such as November 1, 1957,
December 1, 1958, January 1, 1960, February 1, 1961, and March 1,
Eight-hour intervals
starting at 6 a.m., 2 p.m., and 10 p.m. (might be used for work shifts)